Ignition of an out-of-control spiral toward oblivion by Lyda. When you reach your death.. you will soon enough understand the tragedies and happiness of life. "WE" occur in a cycle that no man can understand, why we suffer...die.. and reborn again..suffer..die.. and be reborn again. It is a cycle.. we can't escape that curse unless we follow the middle path. The path to enlightenment..it is the height of reaching the final blessed state marked by absence of desire or suffering. Then we will reach nirvana and conquer the universe with our soul. believe in karma.(the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence.) Folow your well-bieng.. decide whether your nesting instinct is of good judgement... and try not to tempt yourself with being the power animal that one does not often realize. avoid it. Relax. dream.believe.life.enjoi.compassion.love.devote.freedom Enjoi Life..LIfe is Happy. |